Sermon Archive

Sermon Archive

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” – Romans 10:17

At Calvary Baptist Church we believe that the Word of God is revealed through careful, personal study of Scripture that is assisted by learned, expository preaching. For your convenience, complete video recordings for all services are provided, along with edited audio-only recordings for just the sermons (all music and announcements removed) and links to the Scripture being covered.

Additionally, for Pastor Qurollo’s sermons, links to his notes are provided, so that you can print them to have available as you follow along.

Date Sermon
12-29-21 Let's Get to Know the Holy Spirit Better (Pt. 3)
Pastor Randy Bray
12-26-21 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 1)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 1
12-26-21 The People (and Purposes) of God's Callings
Pastor Randy Bray
Luke 1,2
12-22-21 Let's Get to Know the Holy Spirit Better (Pt. 2)
Pastor Randy Bray
2 Corinthians 3
12-19-21 Study of Ephesians - Overview
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 1
12-19-21 Christ's Divine Preparation and Presentation
Pastor Randy Bray
John 3
12-15-21 Let's Get to Know the Holy Spirit Better (Pt. 1)
Pastor Randy Bray
John 14
12-12-21 The LORD Is My Shepherd
Pastor Randy Bray
Psalms 23
12-12-21 When the Fulness of the Time Was Come
Pastor Randy Bray
Galatians 4
12-08-21 Winds of Adversity
Pastor John Stevens
Acts 27
12-05-21 According to the Dispensation of God
Pastor Randy Bray
Colossians 1
12-05-21 The Post-Christmas Story
Pastor John Stevens
Matthew 2
12-01-21 Principle #2 for the Growing of the Church God's Way: The Conversion of Lost Souls
Pastor John Stevens
11-28-21 Principle #1 for the Growing of the Church God's Way: A Desire for the Fullness of the Spirit
Pastor John Stevens
Acts 1
11-28-21 The Pre-Christmas Story
Pastor John Stevens
John 1
11-17-21 Living Under the Sun
Pastor John Stevens
Ecclesiastes 1
11-14-21 So the Wall Was Finished
Pastor John Stevens
Nehemiah 6
11-14-21 Dare to Be a Daniel
Pastor John Stevens
Daniel 1
11-10-21 God's Christian People, and God's Chosen People
Pastor John Stevens
Ephesians 2
11-07-21 A Crisis that Takes Place
Pastor John Stevens
Nehemiah 5
11-07-21 What We Need to Improve Our Christian Life
Pastor John Stevens
Philippians 3
11-03-21 The Battles We Face, the Blessings from God
Pastor John Stevens
Ephesians 2
10-31-21 Building the Walls of Protection Ain't Easy
Pastor John Stevens
Nehemiah 4
10-31-21 The Conversion of Saul
Pastor John Stevens
Acts 9
10-27-21 People God Places in Leadership
Pastor John Stevens
Ephesians 1
10-24-21 Be Strong in the Grace That Is in Christ Jesus
Pastor Randy Bray
2 Timothy 2
10-24-21 Able Also to Admonish One Another
Pastor Randy Bray
2 Corinthians 1
10-20-21 Praise to God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Pastor John Stevens
Ephesians 1
10-17-21 Repairing the Twelve Gates
Pastor John Stevens
Nehemiah 3
10-17-21 The Cave of Depression
Pastor John Stevens
1 Kings 19
10-13-21 Adopted By God to Adapt to Him
Pastor John Stevens
Ephesians 1
10-10-21 The Providence of God
Pastor John Stevens
Proverbs 21
10-10-21 The Giant Called Resentment
Pastor John Stevens
Numbers 13
10-6-21 The Need to Live in the Heavenlies
Pastor John Stevens
Ephesians 1
10-3-21 A Minister of Reconciliation
Pastor Randy Bray
2 Corinthians 5
10-3-21 A Walk with God Through the Book of Romans
Pastor Randy Bray
Romans 1
9-29-21 The Tribulation Period
Pastor John Stevens
Matthew 24
9-26-21 Five Requirements for Revival
Pastor John Stevens
Acts 2
9-22-21 The Genesis Flood
Pastor John Stevens
Genesis 6
9-19-21 Things About Joshua's Character That We All Need Today
Pastor John Stevens
Joshua 1
9-19-21 When Things Are Not Made Right
Pastor John Stevens
James 3
9-15-21 Enoch: A Prophet of the Future
Pastor John Stevens
Genesis 5
9-12-21 The Temptation of Our Lord
Pastor John Stevens
Matthew 4
9-12-21 A Mountaintop Experience
Pastor John Stevens
Matthew 17
9-8-21 Cain: A Mistaken Identity
Pastor John Stevens
Genesis 4
9-5-21 Leading Up to the Temptation of Our Lord
Pastor John Stevens
Matthew 4
9-5-21 Four Essentials for Growing Your Faith
Pastor John Stevens
Ephesians 6
8-22-21 The Obituary of Moses
Pastor John Stevens
Deuteronomy 34
8-22-21 The Faith of the Four
Pastor John Stevens
Mark 2
8-18-21 Body, Soul, and Spirit
Pastor John Stevens
Genesis 1
8-15-21 Rebellion in the Camp
Pastor John Stevens
Exodus 32
8-15-21 Five Keys to Spiritual Victory
Pastor John Stevens
2 Chronicles 20
8-11-21 The Creation Account
Pastor John Stevens
Genesis 1
8-8-21 Murmuring, Memories, and Manna
Pastor John Stevens
Exodus 14
8-8-21 Is It I?
Pastor John Stevens
Matthew 26
8-4-21 Be Vigilant
Dennis Moody
Galatians 6
8-1-21 The Test After the Test
Matt Hanke
1 Samuel 25
8-1-21 Beware Lest Any Man Spoil You
Matt Hanke
Colossians 2
7-28-21 Being a Conqueror or a Casualty
Pastor John Stevens
Joshua 1
7-25-21 A Man with a Hardened Heart
Pastor John Stevens
Ezekiel 29
7-25-21 What Is the Church All About?
Pastor John Stevens
Ephesians 2
7-21-21 It Is Finished
Pastor John Stevens
John 19
7-18-21 Moses' Meeting with God
Pastor John Stevens
Exodus 2
7-18-21 Do You Hear What You Are Thinking?
Pastor John Stevens
Mark 7
7-14-21 Words of One in Pain
Pastor John Stevens
John 19
7-11-21 There Is No Restraint to the Lord
Matthew Hanke
1 Samuel 14
7-11-21 This Is Christ's Church
Matthew Hanke
Matthew 16
7-7-21 My God, My God, Why Has Thou Forsaken Me?
Pastor John Stevens
Matthew 27
7-4-21 The Downfall of a Great Nation
Pastor John Stevens
Isaiah 3
6-30-21 A Virtuous Woman
Pastor John Stevens
Proverbs 31
6-27-21 Meeting God on Holy Ground
Pastor John Stevens
Exodus 2
6-27-21 Backsliding
Pastor John Stevens
Psalm 26
6-23-21 God Keeps His Promises
Pastor John Stevens
Luke 23
6-20-21 The Most Hated People on the Planet
Pastor John Stevens
Exodus 1
6-20-21 A Weak Father
Pastor John Stevens
1 Samuel 1
6-16-21 The Seven Sayings of Christ on Calvary
Pastor John Stevens
Luke 23
6-13-21 Moses, the Servant of the Lord
Pastor John Stevens
Acts 7
6-13-21 The Secret of Spiritual Rest
Pastor John Stevens
Matthew 11
6-9-21 The Church at Laodicea
Pastor John Stevens
Revelation 3
6-6-21 Taking Our Sin Seriously
Pastor John Stevens
Psalm 32
6-6-21 Staying on Course
Pastor John Stevens
John 21
6-2-21 The Church at Philadelphia
Pastor John Stevens
Revelation 3
5-30-21 Amazing Grace
Pastor John Stevens
2 Samuel 9
5-30-21 Farewell to a Great Soldier of the Faith
Pastor John Stevens
2 Timothy 4
5-26-21 The Church at Sardis
Pastor John Stevens
Revelation 3
5-23-21 He Knows My Ways
Pastor John Stevens
Psalm 139
5-23-21 The Storms of Life
Pastor John Stevens
Matthew 8
5-19-21 The Church at Thyatira
Pastor John Stevens
Revelation 2
5-16-21 David's Great Sin
Pastor John Stevens
2 Samuel 11
5-16-21 The Third Son
Pastor John Stevens
Genesis 22
5-12-21 The Church at Pergamos
Pastor John Stevens
Revelation 2
5-9-21 Doing the Right Thing in a Wrong Way
Pastor John Stevens
2 Samuel 6
5-9-21 A Great Woman
Pastor John Stevens
2 Kings 4
5-5-21 The Church at Smyrna
Pastor John Stevens
Revelation 2
5-2-21 Run! Like a Man
Matt Hanke
Genesis 39
5-2-21 Are You a Good Manager?
Matt Hanke
Matthew 25
4-28-21 The Seven Churches of Revelation
Pastor John Stevens
Revelation 1
4-25-21 The Price of Making a Wrong Decision
Pastor John Stevens
1 Samuel 27
4-25-21 The Elder Son
Pastor John Stevens
Luke 15
4-21-21 An Introduction to Revelation
Pastor John Stevens
Revelation 1
4-18-21 The Portrait of a Fool
Pastor John Stevens
1 Samuel 25
4-18-21 The Prodigal Son
Pastor John Stevens
Luke 15
4-14-21 The Day of the Lord
Pastor John Stevens
Psalm 2
4-11-21 David on the Run
Pastor John Stevens
1 Samuel 19
4-11-21 The Story of the Three Sons
Pastor John Stevens
Luke 15
4-7-21 Why Is He Coming Back?
Pastor John Stevens
Genesis 12
4-4-21 The Disciples on the Emmaus Road
Pastor John Stevens
Luke 24
3-31-21 The Coming of the Lord
Pastor John Stevens
James 5
3-24-21 Death
Pastor John Stevens
James 4
3-21-21 Fighting the Giants in Our Life
Pastor John Stevens
1 Samuel 17
3-21-21 What Is a Pastor?
Pastor John Stevens
Titus 1
3-17-21 Conflicts
Pastor John Stevens
James 4
3-14-21 The Power of Forgiveness
Pastor John Stevens
Genesis 45
3-14-21 Qualifications of a Pastor
Pastor John Stevens
1 Samuel 16
3-10-21 The Tongue
Pastor John Stevens
James 3
3-7-21 A God Who Knows All
Pastor John Stevens
Genesis 42
3-7-21 Moving from a Life of Mediocrity
Pastor John Stevens
Nehemiah 1
3-3-21 A Christian and His Brother
Pastor John Stevens
James 2
2-28-21 Facing Your Past So You Can Go Forward
Pastor John Stevens
Genesis 42
2-28-21 A Man Who Left the Will of God
Pastor John Stevens
Jonah 1
2-24-21 Five Levels of Knowing the Word of God
Pastor John Stevens
James 1
2-17-21 The Filling of the Holy Spirit
Pastor John Stevens
James 1
2-10-21 The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Pastor John Stevens
James 1
2-3-21 The Blessings from the Light God Gives Us
Pastor John Stevens
James 1
1-31-21 The Lord's Supper
Pastor John Stevens
1 Corinthians 11
1-31-21 The Hand of the Lord Was with Them
Pastor John Stevens
Acts 11
1-27-21 The Believer and His Blessings
Pastor John Stevens
James 1
1-24-21 God's Battle Plan for Temptation
Pastor John Stevens
Genesis 39
1-24-21 The Lost Axe Head
Pastor John Stevens
2 Kings 6
1-20-21 The Believer and His Battles
Pastor John Stevens
James 1
1-17-21 The Pain of Being Misunderstood
Pastor John Stevens
Genesis 37
1-17-21 The Raising of Lazarus
Pastor John Stevens
John 11
Date Sermon
12-28-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 36)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 24
12-25-22 The Essential Elements
Pastor Randy Bray
Luke 2
12-21-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 35)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 23
12-18-22 Study of Philippians (Pt. 2)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 1
12-18-22 Star Power
Pastor Randy Bray
Luke 1
12-14-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 34)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 23
12-11-22 Study of Philippians (Pt. 1)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 1
12-11-22 A Baby Changes Everything
Brother Robert Smith
Matthew 1
12-4-22 The Call to Macedonia
Pastor Randy Bray
Acts 16
12-4-22 Save the Date
Pastor Randy Bray
Isaiah 7
11-30-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 33)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 22
11-27-22 The Old Paths
Pastor John Stevens
Jeremiah 6
11-27-22 A Great Tragedy and a Great Truth
Pastor John Stevens
John 3
11-20-22 The Successful Christian Home (Pt. 6)
Pastor Randy Bray
1 Corinthians 13
11-20-22 The Ultimate Storm Door
Pastor Randy Bray
John 10
11-16-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 32)
Brother Jesse Qurollo
Proverbs 22
11-13-22 The Successful Christian Home (Pt. 5)
Pastor Randy Bray
1 Peter 3
11-13-22 Blind Faith
Pastor Randy Bray
John 9
11-9-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 31)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 21
11-6-22 The Successful Christian Home (Pt. 4)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 5
11-6-22 Written By the Hand of God
Pastor Randy Bray
John 8
11-2-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 30)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 21
10-30-22 He Did It Again
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 24
10-26-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 29)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 20
10-23-22 Being a Better Witness for Christ
Brother Jason Woon
Acts 16
10-21-22 The Great Commission
Brother Robbie Prater
Mark 16
10-20-22 Fishers of Men
Brother John Jackson
Matthew 4
10-19-22 It's Not the Messenger, But the Message
Brother Ric Hurd
Job 1
10-16-22 The Successful Christian Home (Pt. 3)
Pastor Randy Bray
Romans 7
10-16-22 The Lord's Table
Pastor Randy Bray
Mark 14
10-16-22 Whole-Grain Christianity
Pastor Randy Bray
John 6
10-12-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 28)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 20
10-9-22 The Successful Christian Home (Pt. 2)
Pastor Randy Bray
Romans 7
10-9-22 Testing and Tasting With Jesus
Pastor Randy Bray
John 6
10-5-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 27)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 19
10-2-22 The Successful Christian Home (Pt. 1)
Pastor Randy Bray
Psalms 1
10-2-22 So I Come to Jerusalem
Pastor Randy Bray
Nehemiah 1
9-28-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 26)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 19
9-25-22 What is Fear of the LORD?
Brother John Thompson
Ecclesiastes 12
9-25-22 Introduction to the Book of Joshua
Brother Jesse Qurollo
Joshua 1
9-21-22 Being an Accurate Witness in Christ
Pastor Randy Bray (with Guest)
Acts 1
9-18-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 21)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 6
9-18-22 Divine Appointments - Specifically Designed by God for His Glory and Our Good
Pastor Randy Bray
John 5
9-14-22 Faith, Patience, and Wisdom
Brother Jason Baker
James 1
9-11-22 The Storms of Life
Pastor John Stevens
Mark 4
9-11-22 The Will of God
Pastor John Stevens
Acts 9
9-7-22 People Don't Know Jesus - and It's Your Fault
Brother Patrick Henry
1 Corinthians 15
9-4-22 Jehoshaphat's Good Example
Brother Matthew Hanke
2 Chronicles 20
9-4-22 A Lively, Blessed Hope
Brother Jason Severs
1 Peter 1
8-31-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 25)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 16
8-28-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 20)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 6
8-28-22 The Conversation for the Ages
Pastor Randy Bray
John 4
8-24-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 24)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 16
8-21-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 19)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 6
8-21-22 The Chapter for the Ages
Pastor Randy Bray
John 3
8-17-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 23)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 15
8-14-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 18)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 6
8-14-22 Inappropriate Means to Accomplish the Necessary
Pastor Randy Bray
John 2
8-10-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 22)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 14
8-7-22 The Lord's Table
Pastor Randy Bray
Mark 14
8-7-22 Documenting the Secret of Discovering the Will of God
Pastor Randy Bray
John 2
8-3-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 21)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 13
7-31-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 17)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 6
7-31-22 The Callings of God
Pastor Randy Bray
John 1
7-27-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 20)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 13
7-24-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 16)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 6
7-24-22 A Desperate Delight
Pastor Randy Bray
John 1
7-20-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 19)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 12
7-17-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 15, partial recording)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 6
7-17-22 To Revive the Spirit of the Humble
Evangelist Tim Schmidt
Isaiah 57
7-17-22 Study of Hebrews 6
Pastor Randy Bray
Hebrews 6
7-13-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 18)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 11
7-10-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 14)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 6
7-10-22 To Them Gave He Power
Pastor Randy Bray
John 1
7-6-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 17)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 10
7-3-22 The Downfall of a Great Nation (Replay of 7/4/2021 Service)
Pastor John Stevens
Isaiah 3
6-29-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 16)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 9
6-26-22 Soul Winning (Pt. 4)
Pastor Randy Bray
Psalms 126
6-26-22 A Call to Worship
Pastor Randy Bray
John 1
6-22-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 15)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 8
6-19-22 Soul Winning (Pt. 3)
Pastor Randy Bray
Acts 8
6-19-22 G.I.F.T. - Four Ways to Rejoice In Our Parents
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 29
6-15-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 14)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 8
6-12-22 Soul Winning (Pt. 2)
Pastor Randy Bray
Acts 8
6-12-22 What the Resurrection Is
Brother Jeff Shue
1 Corinthians 15
6-8-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 13)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 6
6-5-22 Soul Winning (Pt. 1)
Pastor Randy Bray
Acts 8
6-5-22 3+1
Pastor Randy Bray
Luke 15
6-1-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 12)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 6
5-29-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 13)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 5
5-29-22 All Stirred Up
Pastor Randy Bray
2 Peter 3
5-25-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 11)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 6
5-22-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 12)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 5
5-22-22 "See" Worthy
Pastor Randy Bray
2 Timothy 2
5-18-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 10)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 5
5-15-22 Engaged in Vision
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 1
5-11-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 9)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 5
5-8-22 Dare to Dream With God
Pastor Randy Bray
Romans 5
5-8-22 Unfeigned
Pastor Randy Bray
2 Timothy 1
5-4-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 8)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 4
5-1-22 The Faith of a Little Girl
Pastor John Stevens
2 Kings 5
5-1-22 Woe Is Me
Pastor John Stevens
Isaiah 6
4-27-22 The Old Redemption Story
Brother Terry Tweed
Genesis 3
4-24-22 Six Things the Resurrection Proves
Brother Terry Tweed
Matthew 28
4-24-22 Holy, Holy, Holy, Is the LORD
Brother Terry Tweed
Isaiah 6
4-20-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 7)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 4
4-17-22 The Power of the Resurrection
Pastor Randy Bray
John 20
4-17-22 Sonrise Service
Pastor Randy Bray
John 20
4-13-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 6)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 3
4-10-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 11)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 5
4-10-22 The Triumphant Entry and the Triumphant Cross
Pastor Randy Bray
Matthew 21
4-6-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 5)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 3
4-3-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 10)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 5
4-3-22 God's Math
Pastor Randy Bray
John 3
3-30-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 4)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 2
3-27-22 Cleaving to Righteousness
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 4
3-27-22 PLEASE...
Pastor Randy Bray
1 Thessalonians 1
3-23-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 3)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 2
3-20-22 Clear-Eyed Christianity (Pt. 4)
Pastor Randy Bray
Romans 12
3-20-22 Clear-Eyed Christianity (Pt. 3)
Pastor Randy Bray
Romans 12
3-16-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 2)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 1
3-13-22 Clear-Eyed Christianity (Pt. 2)
Pastor Randy Bray
Romans 12
3-13-22 Clear-Eyed Christianity (Pt. 1)
Pastor Randy Bray
Romans 12
3-9-22 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 1)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 1
3-6-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 9)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 4
3-6-22 Back to the Future
Pastor Randy Bray
Romans 5
3-2-22 Resisting Temptation (Pt. 2)
Pastor Randy Bray
James 4
2-27-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 8)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 4
2-27-22 Clear as Mud
Pastor Randy Bray
Romans 12
2-23-22 Resisting Temptation (Pt. 1)
Pastor Randy Bray
James 3-4
2-20-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 7)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 4
2-20-22 Accurate in Conflict
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 1
2-16-22 Let's Get to Know the Holy Spirit Better (Pt. 10)
Pastor Randy Bray
Galatians 5
2-13-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 6)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 4
2-13-22 Victim No More
Pastor Randy Bray
Psalms 86
2-9-22 Let's Get to Know the Holy Spirit Better (Pt. 9)
Pastor Randy Bray
1 Corinthians 2
2-6-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 5)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 4
2-6-22 Victorious Opportunities of Righteousness Fellowship
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 5
2-2-22 Let's Get to Know the Holy Spirit Better (Pt. 8)
Pastor Randy Bray
2 Corinthians 3
1-30-22 The Lord's Table
Pastor Randy Bray
1 Corinthians 11
1-30-22 God's Plea for a Miracle
Pastor Randy Bray
Joel 2
1-26-22 Let's Get to Know the Holy Spirit Better (Pt. 7)
Pastor Randy Bray
John 14
1-23-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 4)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 3
1-23-22 To the Praise of His Glory (Pt. 3)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 1
1-19-22 Let's Get to Know the Holy Spirit Better (Pt. 6)
Pastor Randy Bray
Romans 8
1-12-22 Let's Get to Know the Holy Spirit Better (Pt. 5)
Pastor Randy Bray
Romans 8
1-9-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 3)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 2
1-9-22 To the Praise of His Glory (Pt. 2)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 1
1-5-22 Let's Get to Know the Holy Spirit Better (Pt. 4)
Pastor Randy Bray
Romans 8
1-2-22 Study of Ephesians (Pt. 2)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 2
1-2-22 To the Praise of His Glory (Pt. 1)
Pastor Randy Bray
Ephesians 1
Date Sermon
12-31-23 Do All to the Glory of God (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 10
12-31-23 Guarantees of Glorification
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 8
12-27-23 Faith and Works (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
James 2
12-24-23 What Does Christmas Mean to You?
Pastor James Qurollo
John 3
12-24-23 The Birth of the Messiah
Pastor James Qurollo
Luke 1
12-20-23 Faith and Works (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
James 2
12-17-23 Lessons From the Past (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 10
12-17-23 Sufferings and Glory
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 8
12-13-23 Partiality (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
James 2
12-10-23 Lessons From the Past (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 10
12-10-23 Obligations
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 8
12-6-23 Partiality (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
James 2
12-3-23 How to Avoid Becoming a Castaway
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 9
12-3-23 The Ability of the Spirit
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 8
11-29-23 The Word of God (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
James 1
11-26-23 The Laborer Is Worthy (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 9
11-26-23 The Inability of the Flesh
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 7
11-19-23 The Laborer Is Worthy (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 9
11-19-23 Is the Law Sin?
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 7
11-15-23 The Word of God (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
James 1
11-12-23 Limitations of Christian Liberty (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 8
11-12-23 Married to Another
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 7
11-8-23 God Is Our Refuge
Brother Dennis Moody
Psalms 46
11-5-23 Limitations of Christian Liberty (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 8
11-5-23 We Are Dead to Sin
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 6
11-1-23 Chalk Sermon from Book of Ezra
Brother Ray Dombeck
Ezra 1
10-29-23 Questions Regarding Marriage (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 7
10-29-23 Believers Are Dead to Sin (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 6
10-25-23 Trials and Temptations
Pastor James Qurollo
James 1
10-22-23 Questions Regarding Marriage (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 7
10-22-23 Believers Are Dead to Sin (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 6
10-18-23 The Availability of Wisdom
Pastor James Qurollo
James 1
10-15-23 The Marriage Question
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 7
10-15-23 The Effects of Adam's Disobedience and Christ's Obedience
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 5
10-11-23 The Background of James
Pastor James Qurollo
James 1
10-8-23 Unbelievers and the Kingdom of God
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 6
10-8-23 The Security of the Justified
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 5
10-4-23 Paul’s Expression of Thanks for the Philippians' Gift
Pastor James Qurollo
Philippians 4
10-1-23 Lawsuits and Fellow Believers
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 6
10-1-23 Abraham's Righteousness Was Entirely by Faith / Security of the Justified
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 4
9-27-23 Paul’s Appeals to the Philippian Believers
Pastor James Qurollo
Philippians 4
9-24-23 Laxity In the Church (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 5
9-24-23 Abraham's Righteousness Is Independent of Circumcision
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 4
9-20-23 Paul’s Exhortations for Godly Living (Pt. 4)
Pastor James Qurollo
Philippians 3
9-17-23 Laxity In the Church (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 5
9-17-23 Abraham and Righteousness by Faith
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 4
9-13-23 Completely Like Christ
Pastor James Qurollo
Philippians 3
9-10-23 Paul's Apostolic Example (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 4
9-10-23 The Results of Righteousness by Faith
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 3
9-6-23 Paul’s Exhortations for Godly Living (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Philippians 3
9-3-23 Paul's Apostolic Example (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 4
9-3-23 The Righteousness of God
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 3
8-30-23 Paul’s Exhortations for Godly Living (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Philippians 3
8-27-23 A Proper View of Paul and Apollos
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 4
8-27-23 The Verdict of Scripture
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 3
8-23-23 Paul’s Commendation of Epaphroditus
Pastor James Qurollo
Philippians 2
8-20-23 A Misconception of the Ministry (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 3
8-20-23 Objections Answered
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 3
8-16-23 Paul’s Commendation of Timothy
Pastor James Qurollo
Philippians 2
8-13-23 A Misconception of the Ministry (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 3
8-13-23 The Jew Lacks Righteousness
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 2
8-9-23 Paul’s Exhortation to Unity in View of Paul's Own Example
Pastor James Qurollo
Philippians 2
8-6-23 Three Kinds of People
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 2
8-6-23 The Moralist Lacks Righteousness (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 2
8-2-23 Paul’s Exhortation to Unity in View of Christ's Example
Pastor James Qurollo
Philippians 2
7-30-23 The True Wisdom of God (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 2
7-30-23 The Moralist Lacks Righteousness (Pt. 1)
Dr. James Qurollo
Romans 2
7-26-23 Paul’s Exhortation to Unity in View of Difficulties from Believers
Dr. James Qurollo
Philippians 2
7-23-23 The True Wisdom of God (Pt. 1)
Dr. James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 2
7-23-23 The Wrath of God (Pt. 2)
Dr. James Qurollo
Romans 1
7-19-23 Paul’s Exhortation to Unity in View of Difficulties from Unbelievers
Dr. James Qurollo
Philippians 1
7-16-23 Paul's Preaching and Human Wisdom
Dr. James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 2
7-16-23 The Wrath of God (Pt. 1)
Dr. James Qurollo
Romans 1
7-12-23 Paul's Circumstances and Desires (Part 2)
Dr. James Qurollo
Philippians 1
7-9-23 Glorying in the Lord
Dr. James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 1
7-9-23 An Introduction to Romans: The Theme
Dr. James Qurollo
Romans 1
7-5-23 Paul's Circumstances and Desires (Part 1)
Dr. James Qurollo
Philippians 1
7-2-23 The Preaching of the Cross
Dr. James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 1
7-2-23 An Introduction to Romans: The Occasion
Dr. James Qurollo
Romans 1
6-28-23 Paul's Thanksgiving and Prayer
Dr. James Qurollo
Philippians 1
6-25-23 The Fact of the Divisions
Dr. James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 1
6-25-23 An Introduction to Romans: The Salutation
Dr. James Qurollo
Romans 1
6-21-23 Introduction to Philippians
Dr. James Qurollo
Acts 16
6-18-23 Introduction to Corinthians
Dr. James Qurollo
Acts 18
6-18-23 Radio Broadcast 6/18/2023
Pastor Randy Bray
Micah 6
6-11-23 Study of Philippians (Pt. 19)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 4
6-11-23 Four and Twenty Elders
Pastor Randy Bray
Revelation 4
6-4-23 Study of Philippians (Pt. 18)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 4
6-4-23 God's Sufficient Grace
Pastor Randy Bray
2 Corinthians 12
5-24-23 Study of Daniel (Pt. 7)
Pastor Randy Bray
Daniel 2
5-21-23 No God, or Knowing God?
Pastor Randy Bray
Matthew 6
5-17-23 Study of Daniel (Pt. 6)
Pastor Randy Bray
Daniel 1
5-14-23 Study of Philippians (Pt. 16)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 3
5-14-23 Virtuous Mothers
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 31
5-10-23 Study of Daniel (Pt. 5)
Pastor Randy Bray
Daniel 1
Map Handout
5-7-23 Study of Philippians (Pt. 15)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 3
5-7-23 Less Than 1 In Quad-Trillion
Pastor Randy Bray
Psalms 119
CBC Statement of Faith
5-7-23 Radio Broadcast 5/7/2023
Pastor Randy Bray
2 Timothy 2
5-3-23 Study of Daniel (Pt. 4)
Pastor Randy Bray
Daniel 1
Larkin Charts
4-30-23 Study of Philippians (Pt. 14)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 3
4-30-23 To Siberia with Love
Brother Kevin Jones
Romans 10
4-30-23 Radio Broadcast 4/30/2023
Pastor Randy Bray
2 Timothy 2
4-26-23 Study of Daniel (Pt. 3)
Pastor Randy Bray
Daniel 1
4-23-23 Study of Philippians (Pt. 13)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 3
4-23-23 The Greatest Fish Story Ever
Pastor Randy Bray
John 21
4-19-23 Study of Daniel (Pt. 2, History)
Pastor Randy Bray
Daniel 1
4-16-23 Study of Philippians (Pt. 12)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 3
4-16-23 Double Trouble
Pastor Randy Bray
John 20
4-12-23 Study of Daniel (Pt. 1, Overview)
Pastor Randy Bray
Daniel 1
4-9-23 He Is Risen
Pastor Randy Bray
1 Corinthians 15
4-5-23 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 50, Final)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 31
4-2-23 The Lord's Table
Pastor Randy Bray
1 Corinthians 11
4-2-23 Psalm Sunday
Pastor Randy Bray
Matthew 21
3-29-23 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 49)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 31
3-26-23 Study of Philippians (Pt. 11)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 2
3-26-23 Crossroad Theology
Pastor Randy Bray
John 16
3-22-23 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 48)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 30
3-19-23 Run Your Race Well
Brother Randy Hayes
Galatians 5
3-19-23 Listen to Jesus
Brother Mike Salyer
Luke 10
3-15-23 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 47)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 30
3-12-23 Study of Philippians (Pt. 10)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 2
3-12-23 Exceptional Christianity (Pt. 2)
Pastor Randy Bray
John 15
3-8-23 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 46)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 29
3-5-23 The Core Issue in the Music Controversy
Brother Tim Fisher
Ephesians 5
3-5-23 Why Do We Sing?
Brother Tim Fisher
Ephesians 5
3-5-23 A New Song
Brother Tim Fisher
Psalms 40
3-1-23 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 45)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 29
2-26-23 The Standards for Life in Ministry Using Christ's Example (Pt. 2)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 2
2-26-23 Exceptional Christianity (Pt. 1)
Pastor Randy Bray
John 15
2-22-23 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 44)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 28
2-19-23 The Standards for Life in Ministry Using Christ's Example (Pt. 1)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 2
2-19-23 And Sitting Down They Watched Him There
Dr. Alton Beal
Matthew 27
2-15-23 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 43)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 28
2-12-23 Study of Philippians (Pt. 7)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 2
2-12-23 Special Delivery
Pastor Randy Bray
1 Peter 1
2-8-23 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 42)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 27
2-5-23 Study of Philippians (Pt. 6)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 2
2-5-23 Divine Anxiety
Pastor Randy Bray
John 12
2-1-23 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 41)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 27
1-29-23 The Lord's Table
Pastor Randy Bray
John 13
1-29-23 The Testimony of God
Pastor Randy Bray
1 Corinthians 2
1-25-23 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 40)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 26
1-22-23 Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 1
1-22-23 Heaven's Time Change
Pastor Randy Bray
John 12
1-18-23 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 39)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 26
1-15-23 Garcias to Honduras
Brother Andrew Garcia
Galatians 2
1-15-23 A Sunday Dinner Like None Other
Pastor Randy Bray
John 12
1-11-23 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 38)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 25
1-8-23 Study of Philippians (Pt. 4)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 1
1-8-23 God's Maturing Process is Always Personal
Pastor Randy Bray
John 11
1-4-23 Study of Proverbs (Pt. 37)
Pastor Randy Bray
Proverbs 25
1-1-23 Study of Philippians (Pt. 3)
Pastor Randy Bray
Philippians 1
1-1-23 The Same and the Best Are Yet to Come
Pastor Randy Bray
Luke 19
Date Sermon
12-29-24 The Weapons of Our Warfare (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 10
12-29-24 Witnesses Unto Jesus in Jerusalem (Pt. 4)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 4
12-25-24 The Relationship of Husbands and Wives (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Peter 3
12-22-24 A Noble Christmas Story
Brother Jesse Qurollo
Luke 2
12-22-24 The Real Christmas Story
Pastor James Qurollo
Luke 1
12-18-24 Believers Share a Glorious Love
Brother Donald Tunstall
1 John 3
12-15-24 Principles of Christian Giving (Pt. 5)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 9
12-15-24 Witnesses Unto Jesus in Jerusalem (Pt. 3)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 4
12-11-24 The Relationship of Husbands and Wives (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Peter 3
12-8-24 Principles of Christian Giving (Pt. 4)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 9
12-8-24 Five Amazing Births
Pastor James Qurollo
Genesis 1
12-4-24 A Time to Every Purpose
Brother Dennis Moody
Ecclesiastes 3
12-1-24 Principles of Christian Giving (Pt. 3)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 8
12-1-24 Witnesses Unto Jesus in Jerusalem (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 4
11-24-24 Principles of Christian Giving (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 8
11-24-24 Witnesses Unto Jesus in Jerusalem (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 4
11-20-24 Propaganda Speeches (Pt. 1)
Brother Jesse Qurollo
2 Kings 18
11-17-24 Principles of Christian Giving (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 8
11-17-24 Peter’s Message Following the Healing of the Lame Man (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 3
11-13-24 Obligations for Believers (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Peter 2
11-10-24 Our Trials as Servants (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 7
11-10-24 Peter’s Message Following the Healing of the Lame Man (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 3
11-6-24 The Believer Doeth Righteousness
Brother Donald Tunstall
1 John 3
11-3-24 Our Trials as Servants (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 7
11-3-24 Witnesses Unto Jesus in Jerusalem
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 3
10-30-24 Obligations for Believers (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Peter 2
10-27-24 Be Ye Separate
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 6
10-27-24 Life In the Church
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 2
10-23-24 The Futility of Labor
Brother Dennis Moody
Ecclesiastes 2
10-20-24 Wisdom Excels Folly
Brother Dennis Moody
Ecclesiastes 2
10-20-24 Sennacherib Invades Judah
Brother Jesse Qurollo
2 Kings 18
10-16-24 Privileges for Believers (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Peter 2
10-13-24 Our Credentials as Ministers (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 6
10-13-24 Peter’s Message on the Day of Pentecost (Pt. 4)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 2
10-9-24 Privileges for Believers (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Peter 2
10-6-24 Our Credentials as Ministers (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 6
10-6-24 Peter’s Message on the Day of Pentecost (Pt. 3)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 2
9-25-24 The Sincere Milk of the Word
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Peter 2
9-22-24 Our Message as Ministers
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 5
9-22-24 Peter’s Message on the Day of Pentecost (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 2
9-18-24 Love For the Brethren
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Peter 1
9-15-24 Our Motives as Servants
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 5
9-15-24 Peter’s Message on the Day of Pentecost (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 2
9-11-24 Reverence Toward God
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Peter 1
9-8-24 The Bema Seat Judgment
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 5
9-8-24 Witnesses Unto Jesus In Jerusalem
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 2
9-4-24 Holiness In Life
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Peter 1
9-1-24 Your Aim In Life as a Minister
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 5
9-1-24 Waiting In Jerusalem for the Promised Holy Spirit (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 1
8-28-24 Salvation's Three Tenses (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Peter 1
8-25-24 Our Problems as Ministers (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 4
8-25-24 Waiting In Jerusalem for the Promised Holy Spirit (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 1
8-21-24 Salvation's Three Tenses (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Peter 1
8-18-24 Our Problems as Ministers (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 4
8-18-24 Jesus' Ascension Into Heaven (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 1
8-14-24 King Hezekiah and the Restoration of the Passover Feast
Brother Jesse Qurollo
2 Chronicles 30
8-11-24 Paul's Contrast of the Old and New Covenants (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 3
8-11-24 Jesus' Ascension Into Heaven (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 1
8-7-24 The Triune God and Salvation (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Peter 1
8-4-24 Paul's Contrast of the Old and New Covenants (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 3
8-4-24 Paul's Greetings to the Roman Believers (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 16
7-31-24 Canonization
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 3
7-28-24 Paul's Credentials for the Ministry
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 3
7-28-24 Paul's Greetings to the Roman Believers (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 16
7-24-24 The Believer vs. the World
Brother Donald Tunstall
1 John 2
7-21-24 The Triumphal Procession
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 2
7-21-24 Paul's Future Plans (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 15
7-17-24 The Vanity of Pleasures and Possessions
Brother Dennis Moody
Ecclesiastes 2
7-14-24 The Heart of Paul
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 2
7-14-24 Paul's Future Plans (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 15
7-10-24 Preservation
Pastor James Qurollo
Psalm 119:81
7-7-24 Principles of Action (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 1
7-7-24 Bearing the Infirmities of the Weak
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 15
7-3-24 Illumination
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 8
6-30-24 The Vanity of Worldly Wisdom
Brother Dennis Moody
Ecclesiastes 1
6-30-24 King Hezekiah and the Restoration of Temple Worship
Brother Jesse Qurollo
2 Chronicles 29
6-26-24 Inspiration - Part IV
The Trustworthiness of the Bible
Pastor James Qurollo
Leviticus 17
6-23-24 Principles of Action (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 1
6-23-24 Strong and Weak Brothers (Pt. 3)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 14
6-19-24 King Hezekiah and the Cleansing of the Temple
Brother Jesse Qurollo
2 Chronicles 29
6-16-24 The Ministry of Comfort (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 1
6-16-24 How to Get Your Wife to Treat You Like a King
Pastor James Qurollo
Exodus 20
6-12-24 Full of the Holy Ghost and Wisdom
Brother Robert Murray
Acts 6
6-9-24 The Ministry of Comfort (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 1
6-9-24 Strong and Weak Brothers (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 14
6-5-24 Inspiration - Part III
The Nature and Extent of Inspiration
Pastor James Qurollo
Luke 1
6-2-24 Five Days In the Life of a Believer
Pastor John Stevens
Psalm 139
6-2-24 What to Do, When You Don't Know What to Do
Pastor John Stevens
2 Chronicles 20
5-29-24 Inspiration - Part II
The Testimony of Christ to the Bible
Pastor James Qurollo
Matthew 23
5-26-24 Concluding Exhortations
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 16
5-26-24 Strong and Weak Brothers (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 14
5-22-24 The Believer’s Advocate and Role Model
Brother Donald Tunstall
1 John 2
5-19-24 Christian Giving
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 16
5-19-24 The Surrendered Life (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 13
5-15-24 Inspiration - Part I
The Biblical Claims
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Timothy 3
5-12-24 The Resurrection (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 15
5-12-24 Mother's Day
Pastor James Qurollo
Exodus 1
5-8-24 Vanity and Vexation of Spirit
Brother Dennis Moody
Ecclesiastes 1
5-5-24 The Resurrection (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 15
5-5-24 The Surrendered Life (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 13
5-1-24 The Bible - The Basis of What We Believe
(Pt. 3 - Special Revelation)
Pastor James Qurollo
Hebrews 1
4-28-24 The Resurrection of Christ
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 15
4-28-24 Where Do We Go From Here? (Pt. 3)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 12
4-24-24 The Bible - The Basis of What We Believe
(Pt. 2 - General Revelation)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 1
4-21-24 Using the Gift of Tongues In the Church (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 14
4-21-24 Where Do We Go From Here? (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 12
4-17-24 The Bible - The Basis of What We Believe
(Introduction - General Revelation)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 1
4-14-24 Using the Gift of Tongues In the Church (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 14
4-14-24 Where Do We Go From Here? (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 12
4-10-24 King Hezekiah and the Spiritual State of Judah
Brother Jesse Qurollo
2 Chronicles 29
4-7-24 The Superiority of Prophecy (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 14
4-7-24 Salvation and Israel (Pt. 5)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 11
4-3-24 The Believer's Fellowship With God
Brother Donald Tunstall
1 John 1
3-31-24 Christ Our Passover Lamb
Pastor James Qurollo
Exodus 11
3-27-24 Converting the Sinner from the Error of His Way
Pastor James Qurollo
James 5
3-24-24 Only Let Your Conversation Be As It Becometh the Gospel of Christ (Pt. 2)
Brother Jason Woon
Philippians 1
3-24-24 Only Let Your Conversation Be As It Becometh the Gospel of Christ (Pt. 1)
Brother Jason Woon
Philippians 1
3-20-24 The Swearing of Oaths
Prayer and the Healing of the Sick
Pastor James Qurollo
James 5
3-17-24 The Superiority of Prophecy (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 14
3-17-24 Salvation and Israel (Pt. 4)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 11
3-13-24 What Profit Hath a Man of All His Labour?
Brother Dennis Moody
Ecclesiastes 1
3-10-24 The Superiority of Love
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 13
3-10-24 Salvation and Israel (Pt. 3)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 11
3-6-24 Patience Unto the Coming of the Lord
Pastor James Qurollo
James 5
3-3-24 Spiritual Gifts and the Body of Christ (Pt. 3)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 12
3-3-24 Salvation and Israel (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 11
2-28-24 A Warning to the Rich for Withholding Their Laborers’ Wages
Pastor James Qurollo
James 5
2-25-24 Spiritual Gifts and the Body of Christ (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 12
2-25-24 Salvation and Israel (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 11
2-25-24 What the Bible Will Do for You
Pastor James Qurollo
Joshua 1
2-21-24 The Slandering of One Another
The Making of Plans Without Seeking God's Will
Pastor James Qurollo
James 4
2-18-24 Spiritual Gifts and the Body of Christ (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 12
2-18-24 Israel's Need of Salvation (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 10
2-14-24 Introduction to Hezekiah
Brother Jesse Qurollo
2 Kings 18
2-11-24 Spiritual Gifts
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 12
2-11-24 Israel's Need of Salvation (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 10
2-7-24 God's Provision for Deliverance
Pastor James Qurollo
James 4
2-4-24 The Lord's Supper (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 11
2-4-24 Israel's Rejection and God's Righteousness (Part 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 9
1-31-24 Wicked Desires
Pastor James Qurollo
James 4
1-28-24 The Lord's Supper (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 11
1-28-24 Israel's Rejection and God's Righteousness (Part 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 9
1-24-24 True and False Wisdom
Pastor James Qurollo
James 3
1-21-24 Christian Order (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 11
1-21-24 Israel's Rejection and God's Faithfulness (Introduction)
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 9
1-17-24 Vanity of Vanities
Brother Dennis Moody
Ecclesiastes 1
1-14-24 Christian Order (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 11
1-14-24 Paul's Burden for Israel
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 9
1-10-24 The Use and Misuse of the Tongue (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
James 3
1-7-24 Do All to the Glory of God (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Corinthians 10
1-7-24 Exultant Assurance
Pastor James Qurollo
Romans 8
1-3-24 The Use and Misuse of the Tongue (Pt. 1)
Pastor James Qurollo
James 3
Date Sermon
2-2-25 False Apostles Masquerading as Genuine Apostles
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 11
2-2-25 The Growth of the Church
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 5
1-29-25 How to Plant a Church
Brother David Wilt
Matthew 16
1-26-25 What Is the Church? (Pt. 2)
Pastor John Stevens
Ephesians 4-6
1-26-25 What Is the Church? (Pt. 1)
Pastor John Stevens
Ephesians 1-3
1-26-25 P-R-A-Y-E-R
Pastor John Stevens
Daniel 9
1-22-25 Believers Can Recognize God's Teaching
Brother Donald Tunstall
1 John 4
1-19-25 The Jealousy of God
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 11
1-19-25 The Sin of Ananias and Sapphira
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 5
1-15-25 The World In the Heart of Man
Brother Dennis Moody
Ecclesiastes 3
1-8-25 Maintaining a Good Testimony
Pastor James Qurollo
1 Peter 3
1-5-25 The Weapons of Our Warfare (Pt. 2)
Pastor James Qurollo
2 Corinthians 10
1-5-25 Witnesses Unto Jesus in Jerusalem (Pt. 5)
Pastor James Qurollo
Acts 4
1-1-25 Propaganda Speeches (Pt. 2)
Brother Jesse Qurollo
2 Kings 18